Channel: Barbara De Medeiros
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: makeuphow togurumaquiagem para a noitebeautysmokey eyes for brown eyeskylie jennersmokey eyes tutorialmakeup tutorialsmaquiagemfull foundation routinemacspringkim kardashianoutfitdiycut creasepalettepixiwoomakeup routinespring makeupmac cinderfellahair ombresmokey eyechit chatmac macgrwmcomo fazer maquiagemmakeup smokey eyesevent makeupeyeshadowbeauty tipslozcurtisglittertimeget ready with me
Description: Obrigada por assistir amores! Thanks for watching guys! Follow me around: Instagram: @makeupbybarbara_ @barbarademedeiros Fan page: GRWM | CLUBBING MAKEUP TUTORIAL Produtos usados: Makeup forever waterproof pencil Mac mineralize ''cinderfella'' eyeshadow Mac ''handwritten'' ''rule'' ''chocolate swiss'' ''all that glitters'' shadows Makeup Geek shadow ''cocoa bear'' Kevin Aucoin black eye pencil Mac lipsticks in ''honey love'' and ''myth'' xo -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "BRONZED GODDESS MAKEUP TUTORIAL" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-